Q & A
Booking FAQs with Greenbreaks
1. How do I book an experience with Greenbreaks?
To book your premium surf, golf, or travel experience with Greenbreaks, simply fill out our online inquiry form or contact our dedicated booking team via email or phone. We'll guide you through the process and assist with all your booking needs.
2. What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payments via credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal for your convenience.
3. Is there a deposit required to secure my booking?
Yes, a 50% deposit is required upon booking to secure your experience. The remaining balance will be due closer to your scheduled date.
4. Is the deposit refundable?
The deposit is non-refundable, but we understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise. Please refer to our cancellation policy for more details.
5. Can I make changes to my booking after it's confirmed?
We'll do our best to accommodate changes whenever possible. Contact our team as soon as possible, and we'll assist you based on availability and our policies.
6. Are there any additional fees beyond the initial booking cost?
Unless otherwise specified, the booking cost covers the agreed-upon experience. Additional fees may apply for add-on services or activities not included in the initial package.
7. What is your cancellation policy?
Our cancellation policy varies depending on the type of experience booked. Please refer to our terms and conditions for specific details or contact us directly for more information.
8. Can I transfer my booking to someone else?
Yes, bookings can be transferred to another person if needed. Please inform us in advance to make the necessary arrangements.
9. Do you offer gift vouchers or certificates?
Yes, we offer gift vouchers or certificates that can be purchased for a specific experience or as a flexible option for the recipient to choose their adventure.
10. How far in advance should I book my experience?
We recommend booking as early as possible to secure your preferred dates, especially during peak seasons. However, last-minute bookings may also be accommodated based on availability.
11. What happens if the surf conditions are unfavorable or if it rains, making golf unplayable?
At Greenbreaks, we understand that nature can be unpredictable. In the event of inclement weather or unsuitable surf conditions, we have a range of alternative experiences to ensure your trip remains unforgettable. These may include immersive brewery tours, hands-on surfboard shaping sessions, or engaging simulator golf experiences. Our goal is to provide you with equally exciting and enjoyable alternatives, ensuring your time on the Gold Coast remains memorable.
12. How will I be informed about any changes due to weather or unforeseen circumstances?
Our team closely monitors weather conditions and will keep you updated regarding any changes that might affect your planned activities. We'll communicate proactively and work with you to make necessary adjustments or offer alternative experiences as needed.
These FAQs aim to address common inquiries regarding your booking with Greenbreaks. If you have any further questions or require specific information about our services, alternative experiences, or handling unexpected situations, please don't hesitate to contact our team. We're dedicated to ensuring your Gold Coast experience exceeds expectations